What's up brothers, so I'm on TRT only 100/week/cyp. Literally did my first shot of an additional 200 to try and begin higher test dosing before my Var lands, and out of fucking nowhere gyno. Am I just sensitive as shit or is that even close to normal for anyone? I have adex on hand and it just seems to be pretty well under dosed. It does work but I have to take like 2 or 3 alleged 1mg tablets for it to be effective. I discontinued further injections for a week my TRT included. Dosed my TRT dose this past Saturday and as of yesterday I have a little sensitivity, I'm assuming my levels just peaked again and my levels are still somewhat supraphysiological still. I'm fucking pissed for real, I don't even know how to pursue running gear at this point if my body can't handle 300 test. Could it have been that I need to spread the dosing out a bit more so I don't peak as hard ? Should I just stick to running lower test and adding compounds like EQ, Mast, Primo, Var?? Please shoot me some guidance brothers I'm super disappointed and I don't really know how to move forward thanks.