I’ve been on TRT for about a year with not very good results. I take the gel twice a day at I believe 150mg. I was applying it at first to my love handles had my test drop well bellow 150. Sorry just rounding numbers. Then I was prescribed to apply it twice a day to my inner legs. It dingo up to over 300. However I can count on one hand the amount of days that I actually felt better. I’m having high anxiety, jealousy, and have a hard time getting or maintaining an erection. I’m 51 and all of a sudden I’ve got problems now in the last 60 days. I’m recovering from my 3 rd spinal cord injury and take large doses of gabapentin. Last month the thought was my estrogen levels were high so I was put on a blocker. I take it one a week.
Has anyone had any issues like this with TRT? Thanks for reading my novel