trt is a personal decision and a lot of guys end up being scared away by a talk with a doctor who just doesn't
really have any knowledge about steroids or trt. when a person, like myself tries to educate them about
testosterone and the fact that our quality of life is in the pooper due to low-t, they don't really listen.
it's like they are so scared of using something that has been proven to be of benefit, because of all the hype
about how dangerous it is. i also get the impression that doctors do not really want people to be "cured",
because if you're cured you don't need to see them or be treated. just treat the symptoms and they'll
be back. in the case of trt it is an ongoing treatment, because as we age we no longer produce the
necessary amounts of testosterone need to give us good quality of life. in my case, at 58, i know i have low-t
just by all the symptoms. i asked the doctor to test for it, it came back at 200 ng/dl the last time. and yet he
still refuses to treat me. he ran other hormone levels as well. all were good except acth, which was low also.
so along with low-t, i have adrenal insufficiency. this was almost two months ago with the va. yet, they haven't
called or sent a letter for me to see an endocrinologist, which i have requested to see.
this is why i ultimately ended up here, as well as on another forum. i figure the doctors, aren't as concerned
about enhancing my quality of life as i am.
i have done a lot of research and considered benefits versus drawbacks, and i believe the benefits in using trt
far outweigh the cost. and even if the cost were higher, i would still do it at this point, i'd much rather live
feeling better for the next 10 or 15 years over feeling like crap for the next 30 or so years.