Quote Originally Posted by Pyner01 View Post
Thanks for both responsed JohnDoe. Should I just keep on clomid while using or once i start to cycle properly.
You CAN use clomid while on cycle and that may keep your natural production going (or try HCG...or both).

I don't know that it matters either way (whether you wait til you're off cycle to do clomid or start while on). I'm not a medical professional...not that half the doctors even know what the hell they are talking about with AAS and/or TRT anyhow.

If I were in your position, I would probably just wait until done with last competition/AAS cycle and then start HCG & Clomid ASAP. (Assuming you wish to get off Test altogether). It's going to take like 8-12 weeks before clomid will really get your natural test to an acceptable range. Not sure how much HCG will accelerate that if used in conjunction with clomid (I've only used clomid).

I know there are others who will be able to give some advice as well...