Hi, need expert opinion please. Should I seek TRT or perhaps some other avenue for what I had thought was male menopause? I have typical symptoms, mostly muscle atrophy which even with unavoidable, occasional activity downtimes I had never noticed before a little over a year ago. My sex drive, however, remains very high including night erections.

Stats: 55 years old, 5’6”, 145lbs., 29/30” waist; no preexisting health conditions; fish primary source of protein. Exercise consists of home isometrics; yoga; jog; bike; racquetball; long walks on the beach…, but no weight training in a year.

I have minor gyno in right breast, as a result of my last very short cycle in Nov. 2018. Was on deca only (I know) for 2 months stopped when I noticed gyno. Prior to that, did a few cycles on and off around 2008 to 2010 with lifechanging results, no side effects. I currently still have a slew of orals and oils purchased in 2018.

Bloods from last week show:

Testosterone serum: 694
Free testosterone (direct): 11.5
T4 free (direct): 1.21
TSH: 0.990
Prostate Specific Ag. Serum: 0.6

Thanks for your help and advice.