Hi all, new here and looking for some advice. I'm 48, been active weight lifting, mtn biking, dirt bikes, kayaking, etc for most my adult life until the last couple, 2/3 years. Have had a few significant injuries and nagging shoulder pain for more than a decade (2 surgeries). Anyhow, been wanting to try HGH for a long time but just never did as I figured it may help me recover / heal. So my brother did a test cycle year or so ago and after researching, decided to do one myself, that has since turned into less of a cycle and more of a TRT dose. Not knowing how I might react / what to expect, decided I'd start around 200 - 250 / week and see how that goes. My short-term goal right is just to get re-energized / motivated / boost sex drive and get fit, not really "get big".

So, when I ordered test (c) I also order some Hygetropin. Again, plan to start out at 2iu daily. I know hgh takes longer to take effect, but wondering if I should start that now or wait a while until after I "feel out" the test? Or will it take long enough that I'll be able to tell what is doing what?

Thanks for any advice.