Made it to the gym today woke up and had minimal pip but after being off a couple months and then pinning 3 ccs I'd expect it lol. Btw I love the rubber stoppers seems like the needle goes through them like butter I'm not sure if they are thinner or softer material feels like it doesn't damage the needle as much but I know some of you guys use a different needle to draw. I as well started first dose of dbol. Hopefully tomorrow goes just as well.
Today I worked chest.
Bench press
135 x 10 3 sets
185 x 5 2 sets
225 x 5 4 sets
245 x 5 1 set

Incline bench press
135 x 10 5 sets

Decline bench press
135 x 15 5 sets

Hammer strength chest press 135 x 15 5 sets

Pec deck
100 x 12 5 sets

20 min stair master