Great uses for the barbell.

I personally don't do a ton of power and Olympic lifts with a barbell anymore.

My training has long leaned more towards bodyweight, dumbbells, and kettlebells. Workouts you can do pretty much anywhere at anytime. Workouts that don't beat you up.

I do LOVE a certain group of barbell exercises, though.

They're performed by wedging a barbell in a corner (or a special unit called the Landmine) and grasping one end of it. You stand up in front of the bar, hold onto the collar and can perform a variety of exercises like:
Lateral Raises
Reverse Lunges
Romanian Deadlifts
Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts
Full Contact Twists
And more...
These exercises are a lot easier on your body and allow for a more natural, freer range of motion.

Enjoy your day!


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