Wife is doing this diet per a coach to lose a little belly fat she wants to keep muscle but drop the fat...

It's 65% fat 20% protein and 15% carbs.....

She will probably get results off it, I'm a bit irritated I took alot of time designing her a diet based on countless woman's health sites, how and what to do to get excess belly fat off due too hormonal change with pregnancy etc......took me a while to design her one and took her 1 minute to jump ship and try this fitness challenge....

So aside of being pissed off she wants me to try it with her...I'm 218 now and 7% or so body fat I burn 4k calories a day before Weigjt lifting....I understand fat is 9 caloriees to 1 gram ......

I do hiit training 6+ times a week run 25 to 40 miles a week mostly trail, hills and stairs, I lift 4 to 5 times a week for what I'd consider heavy (100 dumbbell presses incline, 80lb overhead dumbbell presses, max bench of 340 [trying like hell to get to 400])

I run a 6 min mile, average 7:30 on 10mile plus runs and sprint.....

Does anyone think this kind of diet would be beneficial to me....

I'm usually 60% protein and then juggle fat and carbs weekly...I like where I'm at I need to increase to 4 to 5k a day calories....bit would I've to make dinners and planning easier to do for both of us....I have a shop so I have a hectic schedule but that's part of her and I time...

Dual diets is a pain in the ass as well.....I like to eat together make the food and enjoy....I packed her lunches for work and she gets home at 8pm so I have dinner ready to eat and see how her day went...


Just figured honesty and reasons I asked this would be better than me trying a fad diet wearing leg warmers and a Jane Fonda body suit....