Ok i was offered by roids to do a spectrum log which i am honored to do. He is an awesome down to earth guy. I've ran some roids24 gear before and absoulty loved it never had any issues. I haven't worked out in couple months my avatar pic is about 5-6 months ago lost about 25lbs I broke my finger at work and stopped training started to eat like shit the longer you do that the harder it is to get back high say the same shit ya im gunna go tomorrow. So I was ready to go back couple months back after finger healed but I decided to go to the doctor and check myself out when I came off cycle when I broke my finger I got gyno and I never got levels checked in past 5-7 years while cycling on and off and thought I knew what i was doing but I didn't know shit cause doctor said whatever I'm taking has to stop the tren is killing me, I've learned so much since joining the forum there is endless info and all the guys here are great haven't had an issue with anybody after all the stupid questions I ask. Ok enough with the life story. Going to take before pic, during and after, will get blood work mid cycle and at the end. My diet is pretty good when I'm training ya I have my cheat meals I have to kids and a wife so pretty busy with wrestling and dance class. Pretty much chicken, rice, vegtubles, fruit, fish, steak, and I love eggs with oatmeal. This is not 100% cycle length cause I will be cruising after I'm going to play it out and will be adding things this cycle will last 12-14 weeks hard to say when I'll be adding other compounds I go by feel I don't really believe in half life's for me dosent take 4-5 weeks for test e to take full affect takes way less u can call me crazy but took my first shot of test e and I felt a pump for a couple hours. If anybody has some advice, or wants to chime in I'm fine with that very opened minded and willing to learn. Sorry about my punctuation I didn't pay attention in school. Lol. I'm not sure how I'm going to be doing injections might go with ED with everything was talking to guys that have gotten blood work to compare and alot of them say daily injections with test keeps stable blood levels and in return will keep E2 under control better. If anybody has experience please let me know I want to keep E2 under control and if that means more frequent shots then let's get there. Going to gym tonight not sure what I'm working. I go by feel I don't like to plan workout cause when I'm driving to the gym and thinking in my head what exercises I'm going to be doing for that muscle part your body knows already what u are going to do I like to trick myself I guess you can say your tricking your muscles and like to give them what they are not expecting shocking your muscles ya I might be crazy and say that's the stupidest thing I ever heard but since I started doing that I've seen better gains cause I felt I was at a plateau and I see seen it I really don't go by the scale I go by the mirror. I don't consider myself a power lifter not really crazy strong I lift weight I can handle no more ego lifting I have family to support and can't afford to get hurt. I'm about mind muscle connection and contracting the muscle like really contracting it's actually a really difficult thing to do well at least for me it is. Just like Kai green and big Ben talk about why wouldn't I try there method they are monsters so there has to be some truth about it just look at them don't get me wrong number 1 thing is diet.

I want to focus more on Dead lifts and squats this go around cause towards the end of my last run felt like my gains were getting better but not going super heavy.

Will be hitting gym tonight

Cycle length: 12-14 WKS

Took first shot test e 250mg last night was smooth no pip at all today. I always warm up gear before I inject idk since I've been doing it really no pip well depends what compound it is and goes right through 25g

Spectrum test e 500mg wk

Spectrum tren a 400-600mg WK depend on sides will add couple weeks in

Spectrum injectable drol 50-100mg ED will add in couple weeks

Pharma aromasin 12.5mg EOD

Pharma proviron 50mg- 100mg ED

Pharma T4 100mcg ED

Hgh 5iu ED will be switching brands during cycle to take IGF test

Viagra or cialis pre workout

I will be taking more pics as I go and full body pics to see progress on lower half.
Hope u guys are ready for this transformation I've seen some other logs and it's very impressive and a motivation so thank you guys that run the logs you guys are inspiration

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