I've seen a lot of personal transformation threads, so I figured I'd make a combined one. So lemme kick this off by throwing it out there that I've had a severe inferiority complex pretty much all my life. No matter what I actually look like, body dysphoria gets the best of me. I was probably 200+lbs out of 8th grade and 280lbs by senior year. Fat as fuck, zero muscle. Something triggered inside of me that year, and I lost 100lbs within the next - down to 180lbs. I believe all of this has contributed to a lot of bad choices through many aspects of my life. I've also experimented with all of the crash diets, fad diets, powdered nose diets, etc.

About four years ago I got sober and replaced all of that with the gym. I went through a little powerlifting phase where I also basically just ate everything. I hurt my back (which was already jacked up including screws and rods) and immediately switched to intermittent fasting combined with keto and lost about 40lbs. That's where these pics start. I actually don't have any pictures from my big boy days, though I could probably find several mugshots...anyways I decided to pretty much forget the powerlifting goals and start aiming for new goals. So here's my progress from this January to yesterday. Currently running a pretty lenient intermittent fasting regime, and really enjoying it. I'm actually losing weight too fast so I'm going to have to increase my macros a bit. When I first put this together, I literally laughed out loud. @horrorchick has been telling me I need to post this for a while, I actually had zero intentions of doing so.

My goals are to basically incinerate the remaining fat. I'm pretty much the leanest I've ever been, but this will hopefully continue through December. I have some things waiting on me come January
