I've been patiently waiting to try tb-500 for about a year & I think now is the best time to pull the trigger. I played sports competitively for almost 20 years growing up & have been lifting somewhat consistent for over a decade, so I am no stranger to some wear & tear. Actually, I am still recovering from my second shoulder surgery in less than a year & that is one of the main reasons for running the tb-500 in the first place. Besides that, I have a herniated disc in my neck & issues with the other shoulder as well.

This will be a tb-500 SOLO LOG! I stress that because I ran into a few logs/reviews when I was researching this compound & most of them were stacked with bpc-157. Sounds like an awesome combo, but I want to see what tb-500 can do on it's own.

Anyway, down to business...

Tb-500: 5 weeks at 5 mg per week. 2.5 mg × 2 a week.

I have seen suggestions about a loading phase & than maintaining, but I will be doing 5 mg per week all the way through. I will also NOT be injecting into injured areas! All research shows that it does not need to be spot injected, so I will be doing subq.

If you have any questions, please ask!