Week 1-12 Test Enanthate 750mg
Week 1-10 Tren Enanthate 500mg

Day 1-2: none
Day 3-6: 25mcg
Day 7-10: 50mcg
Day 11-13: 75mcg
Day 14-17: 100mcg
Day 18-21: 125mcg
Day 22-25: 100mcg
Day 26-29: 75mcg
Day 30-33: 50mcg
Day 34-37: 25mcg
Day 38-45: 12.5mcg


Day 1-3 40mcg
Day 4-9 80mcg
Day10-15 60mcg
Day15 - 21 40mcg

Post my diet up tomorow. Will also post my workout routine and Stats. I am hopeing to loose around 5% body fat and Get lean. My diet is most important i will be running high, protein, medium to low carbs and low fat.