Hello brothers I wanted to post my diet and see how bad it was and if anyone has suggestions for it! I’m about 175-180 depending the time and day my goal is to be fucking ripped lol but I am lacking on the ripped aspect I look good and have good size arms I’m currently all natural and do from time to time get asked what I’m on which definitely boost my confidence quite a bit any ways I’m 5”11 175 and my node section is lacking here is my diet any advice would help! Thanks brothers
Breakfast:6eggs,1.5cups of oats, 1tsp coconut oil
snack:25gram whey protein shake
lunch: 8oz ground beef, 1cup spinach, 1/2cup jasmine rice
snack: 4eggs (sometimes 1/cup oats if I’m pumping in the evening)
dinner:12oz flank steak

will take any suggestions any I’m currently PED free my total test is 519 while my free is 17.1 would love to hear if you think I should start up on the good stuff