So last night after doing some numbers in my head and keeping some future obligations in my mind I came to the conclusion its best to start my cycle now. This log wont be much different from daily log except I will put more effort towards logging my food for you guys and covering how the drugs are working and affecting me whether it he good or bad.

So starting stats
6' 212lbs
BF%, scale says 19% but I think it could be a couple percent lower if I go by the mirror so we'll say 17-19%.

Current training style is DC so 1 heavier working set done with rest pause to failure. Some body parts I cant fo as heavy as I like due to injuries and limited equipment but rest assured the sets are taken to an uncomfortable place so I know I will induce growth.

Now for the good stuff, this cycle will be 14 weeks dosages will he as follows
Test E- 215mgs/week
EQ- 390mgs/week
Mast E- 140mgs/week
Superdrol- 20mgs/day for the first 30 days

That brings the oils to a total of 745mgs of anabolics a week which will be split into 2 shots. The superdrol comes to 140mgs a week, doses will be split 10mg am and pm.

Although this is the highest amount of anabolics I've ran at one time on a mg basis this cycle should pretty mild. This is my first time using superdrol and EQ so I'm excited to see how it goes.