Ok guys so a while back I changed my split and Monday’s became: Back thickness & hamstrings.

Which is great because it ends the debate of deadlifts on back or hamstring day.

So what I do is several variations of rows then get the hamstrings firing then go into deadlift variations and I’ll finish it off with a little more rowing.

I want to note that before doing this make sure your technique is solid and you’re able to really grind throughout your entire workout.

Here’s the blueprint. Completion time is around 2 hours. And everything is trained to near failure as heavy as possible for that rep range...

Smith bent over rows
4 sets, 10-12 reps

Hammer single arm rows
3 sets, 10-15 reps

Tbar chest supported rows
4 sets, 15/12/10/8-10 reps

Single leg curls superset with machine abductors
4 sets, 15-20/20-30 reps

Seated leg curls
5 sets, 15-20 reps

Bb stiff leg deadlifts
3 sets, 10-12 reps

Bb deadlifts
3 sets, 10/8/6 reps

Seated cable close grip rows
4 sets, 12-15
** Branch Warren style

If you want to bring up your posterior chain, get those lats to hang and have some nasty hamstrings this is a great way to do it. Smokes everything from head to toe on the backside.

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