Just back from my honeymoon, time for a new log. Also switching to DC training, never tried it before.

Note: I am in pct for the first 6 weeks of the log, with nolva, Clomid, sustain alpha, IL invictus and mtest, plus an AI.


Unlike most here, I’m not trying to look like a bodybuilder. Looking more for the underwear model look, maybe with slightly better muscularity.

Here is a starting pic, taken within the past couple of days:


DC workouts on m/w/f with 20 minutes of some form of cardio- some elliptical or maybe a few sets of the Bear. One additional day per week, probably sundays, I’ll do a bit of cardio and core work- most likely a little swimming and just a couple sets of ab work, nothing drastic.

Note: I have two blown discs that preclude me from doing certain things: squats, deadlifts, unsupported rowing movements, etc. Limits me a bit, but I try to train around it the best I can.


I’ve been following the format of the vertical diet of late. I like how I feel on it and it seems to be working pretty well. Carbs tend to make me fat, so I’m careful with my carb intake and besides the fruits and veggies, my primary carb source is a couple servings of sweet potato each day. I’ll add rice if necessary- i.e. if I’m losing weight- but the goal is to maintain weight and just steadily recomp. On the other hand, if I start gaining weight or getting soft I’ll remove sweet potatoes on non training days. Maintenance level is right about 2500 calories, so that’s what I’ll be aiming for. Currently 6’2, 205-208lbs, bf 15% or a little less maybe.

I won’t post my eating every single day since it’s tedious and very redundant. I eat very consistently at least 5 days a week, but do stray a bit from the meal plan on my days off from work. Usual daily mealplan is:

Am smoothie: .5c carrots, 1c spinach, 1/2 banana, 1 scoop whey
1 cup fat free Greek yogurt
2 scoops whey either pwo or as afternoon snack

Lunch: 10-12oz chicken breast, 1c veggies, 1c sweet potato, 16oz milk

Afternoon: 1 orange

Dinner: 12oz lean beef, 1c sweet potato, 1c veggies

Pm snack: 1c egg whites, 1oz almonds

Totals: 2440 cals, 304p 60f 168c

Notes: twice a week I eat 12oz salmon instead of the chicken or beef. I also eat calves liver once a week, and some whole eggs on my off days. That should cover micronutrient intake.


Fish oil
Occasional GDA if I’m gonna eat a large carb meal on an off day
EvoMuse BMP(once it gets here in a day or two)
IronLegion Invictus
Bcaa’s and creatine
Athletic Greens

Fire away with any questions or feedback. It’ll probably take me a few workouts to get into a rhythm with the DC format. I’m coming from Mentzer/Darden style HIT training.