*Taken from Star on our member only forum*

The importance of progressive overload cannot be overlooked. It is vital to understand that growth of muscle tissue can be solely tied to one's ability to create a larger stimulus over time. IE - progressive overload. If we are constantly creating the same stimulus in the gym or not progressing in weights, reps, volume, load, ect, our body will have no reason to change. Sending the anabolic signal via training is the foundation to growth. This has to be coupled with proper nutrition and rest. At this point one can address supplementation as a catalyst to further muscle growth. Without proper training and programming, you are completely lost.

I am still offering my advice and services if you are a new or returning customer and order through me. You still place the order at the web site, but you send me your order number and total in exchange for help with training, supplementation, and nutrition. [email protected]

Happy Gains!