The starting point for the entire method is to find your 12 rep max for each exercise.

Each group gets: 1 compound motion, 2 isolation motions

Find your 12 rep max weight for these (this will end up being a workout)

Straight bar curls
Preacher curls
Standing dumbell hammer curls

Close-grip bench press
Cable pushdowns w/rope handle
Skull crushers

Incline bench - standard grip
Cable crossovers (we will be doing 3 variations of these)
Weighted dips

Seated cable rows (vertical grip)
Lat pull downs (wide grip)
Upright standing barbell rows (close grip)

Seated leg press (+calf press at end of leg press)
Leg extensions
Hamstring curls

Standing military press
Seated machine press
Lawn mower pulls on cable

Have these by Saturday.