
Leg day

I did not hit quads much today. I should not have went to the gym. Not feeling the best, but still went.

Standing calf raises machine 3 second count 1 sec at top. 3x15 315lbs

Leg extensions 3x15 150lbs

No smith machine squats or lunges today

Prone leg curl 3x12 150lbs

Barbell good morning-off pin 3x10 205lbs

Cable standing leg curl 3x15 44lbs

Seated calf raise 3x12 245lbs

Current diet goals 2010 calories

This is actually below what my Basal metabolic rate tested at- my BMR was clinically tested at 2200. It is likely for these to change some. I have been dieting down from 275 since April so a slight decrease is appropriate.

215g protein

175g carbs

50g fats

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