Quote Originally Posted by Flex22 View Post
Guys I’m sorry I didn’t read every post here but I keep seeing y’all mentioning “gaba” and how it’s helping. I have recently read into it and orally it’s literally complete bogus because it can’t cross the blood brain barrier to actually work and exert its use on the brain gaba neuro transmitter. So I’m sorry but what your feeling is placebo. I seriously hope im not coming off as a dick but im only saying this because I suffer with real severe anxiety especially social anxiety too. And it’s actually beeen many many certified pub med studies showing gaba taken orally can’t cross the blood-brain barrier making it useless. I have found something new that does work you just have to be smart with it and not j er do it or use it everyday but it works great and it’s called “phelibut” . I hope i spelled it correct. But look into it and it’s history and it’s usage and I really believe it will help and you can get it legally too. Just stop wasting money on gaba supps cause like so many out there companies are killing people with the newest fad “nootropics” which some do work but you need to do your home work and see the actual real unbiased studies on them . And supp stores are raping people with the prices of them too, there extremely cheap to find when you source them from reputable tested companies. I’m sorry for my long rant but hopefully it helped somebody
If you choose to believe it's bogus that's your choice but I'd like to take a second and show you that there are multiple mechanisms or pathways by which gaba exerts it's effects. Even if what you read is true and it doesn't cross the blood brain barrier(BBB) that would be 1 pathway. Factor in that gaba is tested and shown to increase endogenous GH production, which can pass the BBB shows that direct mechanism isn't the only effect that gives gaba its benefits. The increase in GH can and likely is the deeper sleep benefit users experience and report. I'm sure there are other down stream mechanisms that it acts upon as well, but I'll be honest I don't know them all. But as BBers and athletes we're worried about how to get the most bang for buck benefits from supps and supp combo's, gaba being a pretty cheap answer to multiple issues(sleep quality, sleep duration, recovery from the enhanced sleep, endogenous gh increases,etc) only makes sense for people to test out themselves. Even if it is a placebo effect, as long as the cost to benefit ratio is in favor of benefits then I don't see the issue trial running thus or any other supp.