Quote Originally Posted by Devil1 View Post
One hand cable rows
2-3 sets (70/20 reps, 80/15 reps, 90/12 reps)
super sets with cable pullovers

underhand lat pulls (shoulder width)
2 sets (100/20 reps, 120/15 reps)
super set with neutral grip pull ups

single hand lat pulls
2 sets, light weight to failure, really pull into my obliques

Bent over barbell rows
2 sets 8-10 reps

neutral grip pull ups
2 sets to failure
super set with cable crunches, full extension, pull into my lats then crunch.

Something like that would be a normal day. I’ll through some other light weight pulls in to keep moving. I like high intensity, light weight, non stop movement.
Iol that’s awesome it’s like a carbon copy of how I was training up until a few months ago. I finally gave in and started putting more rest between sets. Pretty much my whole life it was less than 30 seconds between sets. No matter how heavy or taxing.

This go around I’ve slowed things down. It’s been really hard to match the intensity of the low rest workouts so it’s been a learning process.

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