You aren’t going to lose much fat at 3500 calories a day, even with cardio. Especially with those carbs and white rice (!?!”).

Sorry, I don’t do cups, servings, etc.

I can give you a specific meal plan but mine looks like this:

meal 1: 15 egg whites and 40g dry oatmeal. Cooked with Mac nut oil.
meal 2: 50g protein from whey isolate, 1 1/2 Tablespoons real peanut butter and almond milk. (I estimate pnut and milk).
meal 3: 160g chicken or fish, 30g net carbs from brown rice or yams. Green or cruciferous vegetable with no real calorie value.
meal 4: same shake as above
meal 5: same as solid chix or fish meal above
meal 6: 15 egg whites cooked in Mac nut oil with spinach.

Do this EXACT meal plan for 4 weeks and tell us what you think.

I would tell you to alternate days with no carbs but doing just the above is a start.

For the record I am 5’ 8”, Stay around 205+/- and don’t go over 15% BF as measured by DEXA. I competed last at 191.